September 2024
We welcome your feedback on the contents of this website, the mission and goals of FOAC, or ideas/suggestions on improvements or activities at Agua Caliente park. Send your comments to FOAC using the below link. Please indicate in the email if you would like any feedback or other information about FOAC or the park. You can also direct your question or issue to a particular FOAC Board Member listed below.
For Board Member email address, use FirstLast@FriendsOfAguaCaliente.Org
Replace FirstLast with the name below, no spaces.
Pam Rossetter President/ Social Media / Nominations
Jan Baker Vice President / Nominations
Joanne Triplett Secretary
Peggy Denny Treasurer / Social Media / Nominations
Tina Baker Social Media
Maura Brackett County Liaison
Mary Karrels
Jim Knoll Membership
Jerry Martin
Sylvia Olberding
Joyce Roughton
Sandy Sarah Co-Founder
President president[at]
Vice President vicepresident[at]
Secretary secretary[at]
Treasurer treasurer[at]
Emeritus Board Positions